Prague Papers on History of International Relations 2/2014
kolektív autorovArticles: The Role of Korea in Cultural Transmission between China and Japan during the Three Kingdoms Period (Pál Koudela — Jinil Yoo) Feinde Widerwillen? Französisch-burgundischer Discours über den Vertrag in Troyes (Václav Drška) The Russian-Chinese Trade in Kyakhta, Its Organisation and Commodity Structure, 1727–1861 (Michal Wanner) Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
(Karel Svoboda) Russisch-deutsche Beziehungen nach der Thronbesteigung Wilhelms II. (František Stellner) Problems of British Policy in China at the End of the 19th Century (Aleš Skřivan, Sr. — Aleš Skřivan, Jr.) Great Britain, Germany, and the Selected Railway Problems in China, 1907–1908 (Lukáš Novotný) The Balkans and Austria-Hungary 1908–1912 (Martin Urban) The Issue of Hungarian-Slovak Diplomatic Connections in the Hungarian Parliament in 1939– 1940 (István Janek) Hungarian-Croatian Bilateral Co-operations since 1990s (Edit Bencze Lőrinczné) Book Reviews / Buchbesprechungen Miroslav Šedivý, Metternich, the Great Powers and the Eastern Question, Pilsen 2013 (Roman Kodet) Jitka Balcarová, „Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho!“ Bund der Deutschen a jeho předchůdci v procesu utváření „sudetoněmecké identity“, Praha 2013 (Eva Rašková)
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