Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica 18/1 2015
kolektív autorov
I. Studie Ondřej Schmidt Farní síť plzeňského děkanátu do doby husitské The Parish network of the Pilsen deanery to the Hussite period Based on an analysis of the official books of the Prague archbishopric and other sources, the study endeavours to analyse the structure and development of the parish network on the territory of the Pilsen deanery from its beginnings until the Hussite period. It first attempts to outline the dynamics of the process of the creation of the parish organization on the territory of this ecclesiastical-administrative whole; it subsequently pays attention to some thematic circles: the issue of church patronage law, the parish clergy, the material assurance of the benefices and the influence of the papal curia on the functioning of the deanery.
A component is also an extensive tabular supplement, where the information on every parish benefice is summarized synoptically. Károly Goda The medieval Cult and processional Veneration of the Eucharist in Central Europe. Festive Culture in the Royal Cities of Cracow and Buda in a comparative Perspective The medieval Cult and processional Veneration of the Eucharist in Central Europe. Festive Culture in the Royal Cities of Cracow and Buda in a comparative Perspective This study analysis the late medieval central functions and festive culture of the both royal residential and capital cities of Cracow and Buda in the Kingdoms of Poland and Hungary with a special focus on the country-wide and capital specific features of the cult and processional veneration of the Eucharist. Providing a historical and comparative context the paper first presents the fourteenth-fifteenth-century central and festive functions of the two cities and the arrival of the Eucharistic cult, confraternities and processions to the bishopric and civic spheres within the two countries. In the following part, as a main focus, the article intensively explores how late medieval secular, especially local civic and royal political intentions introduced their agenda and exploitation strategies into the festive celebration of Corpus Christi in Cracow and Buda. Tomasz GALUZSKA Źródło na nowo odkryte. Kilka uwag na temat czternastowiecznego Tractatus contra beghardos Henryka Harrera A newly found source. Some considerations on the work by Henryk Harrer Tractatus contra beghardos from the 14th century Tractatus contra beghardos, written by a Czech Dominican brother Henry Harrer, is a work of unique value both for historians specialising in medieval heterodoxic movements and scholars focusing on the history of theology and law in the 14th century. The only copy of the manuscript, made at the turn of the 14th century, is currently part of the collection of Wroclaw University Library. The treatise contra beghardos was commissioned by Krakow Dominicans between 1328 and 1334. Most likely the hiring of a foreign expert, Henry Harrer from Prague’s St Clement convent, was an attempt to address multiple controversies which arose among the Krakow religious regarding the evaluation of activities of a certain group of people whose way of life and religious practices differed from those of fellow faithful in the local diocese. Dušan Coular Pařížská univerzita a husité v letech 1428–1429 The University of Paris and the Hussites in 1428–1429 The study analyses the Exhortation (exhortatio) of the University of Paris from 14 December 1428, which appeals to its readers to wait no longer, face the expanding Hussitism and insist on the convocation of a general council. Other than the content, it notices the formalities of the document, its sources, the historical context and primarily the circumstances of its preservation, which opens a path to new essential knowledge. It briefly introduces the four as-yet known copies of the exhortation from the 15th century and deals in more detail with the Berlin manuscript Theol. lat. qu. 323. In it, the exhortation is included in a collection of writings, which have the character of a form collection and which are related to the history of the University of Paris in the 1420s. Since it is an as-yet unexamined source, the author determines in the form of an investigation some details of its character and besides the exhortation notices the other texts with a relation to Hussitism in more detail. As the introductory section attributes the stylization of the entire collection to the French scholar Nicholas of Clemanges (†1437), the author of the study in the case of the mentioned Bohemical texts examines the likelihood of that claim. He also briefly indicates its contents, dating and its possible historical anchoring. A critical edition of the Parisian exhortation is attached to the study. II. Literatura Petr Čornej, Aleš Knápek, Ladislav Macek, Pavel Rous, Stížný list české a moravské šlechty proti upálení Mistra Jana Husa, Okrouhlice 2015 (Jiří Jurok) Die Jülich-Kleve-Bergischen Hof-, Hofämter- und Regimentsordnungen 1456/1521 bis 1609, Bearbeitet von Brigitte Kasten und Margarete Bruckhaus, Ostfildern 2015 (Ivan Hlaváček) Tropi Ordinarii Missae - Agnus Dei (Repertorium Troporum Bohemiae Medii Aevi, Pars IV), Hana Vlhová-Wörner (ed.), Praha 2013 (Jindra Pavelková) III. Kronika Mezinárodní vědecká konference „Husiti a bratríci na Slovensku“ (Jiří Jurok)
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