Vydavateľ Historický ústav AV ČR
Počet strán 208
Rok vydania 2014
Jazyk Čeština, angličtina, poľština
Väzba Mäkká väzba / Paperback
EAN KOS204415
Adresa titulu https://www.artforum.sk/katalog/10843/mediaevalia-historica-bohemica-171-2014
In the first part,it follows the personnel policy of the Cistercian Order in Bohemia, namely using the examples of the monasteries of the order’s line coming from the monastery of Waldsasson, on which he shows how this policy was systematic. The order sought prospective members, raised them and subsequently placed them in necessary positions. In the second part, the text deals with the question of whether the abbots Dietrich of Waldsassen, Heidenreich of Sedlec and Konrad of Zbraslav came to the court of Wenceslas II at theend of the 1280s to support Habsburg interests here. The consideration that they could serve at the sovereign court as allies of Queen Judith against Záviš of Falkenštejn, remains only a hypothesis. Eloise ADDE-VOMACKA Volba krále a tyranovražda. Návod k ustavení politické role české šlechty v Dalimilově kronice. The election of the king and tyrannicide. Instructions for establishing the political role of the Czech nobility in the Chronicle of Dalimil (s. 41–88) The study focuses on the Chronicle of the So-Called Dalimil. In contrast with the traditional perception of this source dominated by ethnic and nationalistic accents, the author here tries to reveal the ideological layers and devotes special attention to the questions of the legitimacy of the power of the king and the contracts that connected the sovereign with the „community“, i.e. with the nobility. The first part of the paper treats Dalimil’s conception of the right to resist (ius resistendi) and his justification of the uprising of the nobility against the sovereign who violates his mission and the interest of the „community“. The second part addresses the issues of tyranny and tyrannicide in the Middle Ages and treatment of this topic by the So-Called Dalimil. Martin NODL Ekonomie nemoci a milosrdenství ve středověku. The economy of illness and mercy in the Middle Ages (s. 89–104) The study focuses on the relation of the medieval person to illness and physicians, particularly taking into account the economic accessibility of treatment and the overall social dimension of the issue. It first deal with the costs for medical care and the different treatment methods, which considered the social position of the patient. It further also introduces the possibility of community, care in spittal fields, and last but not least also the influence of magical practices and faith in the miraculous abilities of the saints. Martin ŠORM Tandariáš, Floribella, a medievista. O mnohých zapomněních jakožto zjemňujícím programu středověké artušovské fikce. Tandariáš, Floribella, and a medievalist. Numerous oblivions as a refining program of the medieval Arthurian fiction (s. 105–125) The study presents the Arthurian novel Tandariáš a Floribella from the end of the 14th century as an independent historical source, and indicates some possible routes to approach it from the perspective of historical-literary anthropology. It deals with the interpretation of those passages in which the anonymous poet in keeping with the tradition of German and French courtly novels thematised forgetting oneself, reflection and the epistemological importance of passivity or pain of the protagonist – the knight. The author interprets them as a means of the refinement and cultivation of the audience. He shows that the novel did not lead the noble audience to an internalized Christian conversion or moral improvement. Under the guise of entertainment, it rather encouraged them to think and to discuss the basic rules, organization and values of courtly society. Tomasz GRAFF Biskup krakowski Zbigniew Oleśnicki (1423-1455) wobec husytyzmu i polityki polsko-czeskiej. Bishop of Cracow, Zbigniew Oleśnicki (1423-1455) against the Hussite movement and Polish-Czech policy (s. 127–167) The article concerns the attitude of the Bishop of Cracow, Zbigniew Oleśnicki to the Hussite doctrine and to the proposal of assuming the Bohemian throne by the Jagiellonian dynasty in the 20s and 30s of the fifteenth century. The author analyzes the attitudes and activities of the bishop in the light of the sources of the period as well as in the light of the opinions of historiography. A special attention is devoted to the criticism of the account given by a chronicler Jan Długosz, who was particularly interested in making Zbigniew Oleśnicki a principled defender of the faith against the Hussite threat. II. Literatura Dvě řady o dějinách největšího moravského města Brna a hlavního města Slovenské republiky Bratislavy Dějiny Brna 1. Od pravěku k ranému středověku, Rudolf Procházka (ed.), Brno 2011 Dejiny Bratislavy 1. Od počiatkoch do prelomu 12. a 13. storočia. Brezalauspurc na križovatke kultúr, Juraj Šedivý – Tatiana Štefanovičová (edd.), Bratislava 2012 (Zdeněk Měřínský) (s. 171–182) Gotickékamnové kachle na Písecku. Výběrový katalog výstavy Obrazový svět pozdního středověku, Jaroslav Jiřík – Jan Kypta (edd.), Písek 2013 (Robert Šimůnek) (s. 182–186) III. Kronika Kolokvium Editorství a edice středověkých pramenů diplomatické povahy v České republice na úsvitu 21. století. Směry – tendence – proměny (Pavel Hruboň) (s. 189–193)

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