Architektúra a urbanizmus 3-4/2020
kolektív autorovEDITORIAL Henrieta Moravčíková, Peter Szalay(Un)Planned City SCIENTIFIC STUDIES Lýdia Grešáková, Zuzana Tabačková, Zuzana RévészováMapping with care as an outline for post neoliberal architecture methodologies – tools of the Never-never school Peter J. LarkhamBritish Urban Reconstruction after the Second World War: The Rise of Planning and the Issue of “Non-Planning” Matěj SpurnýUrban Experts in the Building of Post-Stalinist Bratislava Anna Kornélia Losonczy, Regina Balla, Hlib Antypenko, Melinda BenkőRe-Shaping Budapest: Large Housing Estates and their (Un)Planned Centers Karel MaierPlanning of Bohemian regional centres in the period of their industrialisation and modernisation: Pilsen and Hradec Králové Adriana Priatková, Ján Sekan, Dávid M. TamáskaThe Komensky Street in Kosice –The Story of an Avenue of the 20th Century Klára BrůhováThe Parliament for Prague – Proposals, Competitions and Debates on its Location and Architecture Lina Degtyaryova, Oleg OlashynUrban Planning and Construction of the Interwar City of Uzhhorod: Mission Interrupted Peter StecCreative Transformations: the Campus Paradigm Gonçalo M. Furtado C. L.The legacy – Ignasi Sola-Morales and the contemporary urban debate REVIEWS Zoltán BereczkiPattern Recognition Peter SzalayThe Power of Experts: Continuities or Ruptures before and after 1989 Katarína HaberlandováSandalo’s Exceptional Depth of Sharpness
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