CE ZA AR 2023
Zaiček Martin, Fillová Michaela (eds.)Cieľom súťažnej prehliadky CE ZA AR nie je len prezentovať tvorbu členov a členiek Slovenskej komory architektov a oceniť ich najlepšie diela, ale aj upozorniť širšiu verejnosť na úlohu architektúry pri rozvoji spoločnosti, zlepšovaní kvality prostredia pre život a prácu, ako aj pri tvorbe nových kultúrnych hodnôt. Ocenenie sa aj preto dlhodobo venuje úlohám samospráv vo formovaní miest a obcí a dokazuje, že kvalitná architektúra či zodpovedne navrhované verejné stavby a priestranstvá sú cestou k vyššej kvalite života obyvateľov.
Význam architektúry ako kvalitného, krásneho a udržateľného priestoru pre spoločenské interakcie, prepájanie komunít a stretnutia pri práci aj vo voľnom čase a dôležitosť navrhovania s ohľadom na potreby spoločnosti zdôrazňuje motto 22. ročníka ocenenia #spoluvarchitekture/ #togetherinarchitecture.
The aim of the prize CE ZA AR is not only to present the work of members of the Slovak Chamber of Architects and to appreciate their best works but also to draw the attention of the wider public to the role of architecture in the development of society, improving the quality of the environment for life and work, as well as in the creation of new cultural values. For this reason, the prize has long been dedicated to the role of local governments in the formation of cities and municipalities and proves that high-quality architecture or responsibly designed public buildings and spaces are the way to a higher quality of life for residents. The importance of architecture as a high-quality, beautiful and sustainable space for social interactions, connecting communities and meetings at work and in free time and the importance of designing with society's needs in mind is emphasized by the motto of the 22nd year of the prize #spoluvarchitekture/ #togetherinarchitecture.
Dostupné do 5 dní
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Dostupné do 5 dní
Dostupné do 14 dní
Dostupné do 14 dní
Dostupné do 14 dní
Dostupné do 14 dní
The aim of the prize CE ZA AR is not only to present the work of members of the Slovak Chamber of Architects and to appreciate their best works but also to draw the attention of the wider public to the role of architecture in the development of society, improving the quality of the environment for life and work, as well as in the creation of new cultural values. For this reason, the prize has long been dedicated to the role of local governments in the formation of cities and municipalities and proves that high-quality architecture or responsibly designed public buildings and spaces are the way to a higher quality of life for residents. The importance of architecture as a high-quality, beautiful and sustainable space for social interactions, connecting communities and meetings at work and in free time and the importance of designing with society's needs in mind is emphasized by the motto of the 22nd year of the prize #spoluvarchitekture/ #togetherinarchitecture.
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