Sečovce was considered a Jewish town, in the past. The reason was, despite the fact that the Jewish community constituted only one-third of the population, it was significantly visible. Almost all shops in the square and on the main Street belonged to Jewish entrepreneurs. Jews held importatnt positions in banks, worked as lawyers, doctors, and pharmacists. The town had two prayer houses, two synagogues, and three Jewish cemeteries. Jews dressed, ate, spoke, and lived differently from the other inhabitants. They had a peculiar letters and mysterious holidays. These were the reasons why they were conspicuous and distinctive. Thaťs why Sečovce got the epithet „The Jewish town“. Leťs together revisit the memories of this unique World and this enigmatic town, that no longerexists. However, iťs possible that some readers might not believe, that Jewish Sečovce ever existed and might think iťs a fiction.